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Quality Fresh Roll-on Lawn, Delivered on Time

    Work Health & Safety Policy

    Work Health & Safety Policy

    Greenacres Turf Group is committed to providing a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible workplace for all its employees, volunteers, contractors and visitors by complying with relevant Safety, Health and Environment legislation.

    The organisation will:
    • Identify hazards and environmental impacts, assess risks and implement appropriate controls;
    • Provide employees, volunteers, contractors and visitors with information, supervision and training appropriate to the hazards and impacts of their work;
    • Deal with safety, health and environment matters in consultation with employees;
    • Set measurable safety, health and environment objectives and targets

    Every employee in the organisation is personally accountable for their safety, health behaviour and this will be reviewed regularly. The organisation will provide the time and resources necessary to implement this policy and will develop, implement and review its objectives, targets, plans and procedures to continually improve workplace safety, health and environmental performance.

    To achieve a ,high standard of safety, health and environment performance involves shared responsibilities and teamwork. Consequently, this organisation is committed to a consultative approach in which all employees, at all levels and at all times, are responsible for their own and other people’s safety, health and environmental performance in the workplace.

    Greenacres Turf Group

    Greenacres Turf Group