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Quality Fresh Roll-on Lawn, Delivered on Time

    5 November 2022 /

    NEWS & INFO/News / NEWS & INFO/Lawn & Turf Tips / Time to Apply Wetting Agents to Protect your Lawn this Summer

    Time to Apply Wetting Agents to Protect your Lawn this Summer

    Western Australian soils can dry out extremely quickly as they build silica overtime which make soils waxy and hydrophobic (water-repellant), which is why it is so important to applying good quality wetting agents that are effective and long-lasting. The Aquaforce Soil Wetter and Bi-Agra Moisture Retainer are specifically designed for WA soils and are only sold by licensed turf farms and stores.

    These products work an absolute treat on WA sands particularly, but are also great in hybrid soils, clays and loams in hot months. They will assist your lawns and gardens in holding water. We cannot stress enough just how important these agents are when trying to sustain lawns and plants during summer heat. By keeping your garden soil lubricated all year round, this will result in more viable soils in hot months, i.e. soils with greater water holding capacity. Aquaforce and Bi-Agra are proven treatments with very effective surfactants, unlike some of the cheaper brands available at the big warehouse entities (like granular wetting agents), that simply do not have the quality agents required to wet and retain moisture in soils. Nor do they last as long. There is no negative impact on soil biodiversity, in fact quite the opposite, the zoo beneath our feet, thrives in a wetter environment.

    Applying a good quality wetting agent and moisture retainer a minimum of every 6 months (ideally beginning of spring, summer and autumn) is crucial. Every year we have a burst of enquires of water stressed and dry turf as people leave it too long to turn their sprinklers back on after winter! We have Aquaforce, Bi-Agra and free catch cups available from our farm to help your lawn this spring. More information on our product page: https://greenacresturfgroup.com.au/products/

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