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Quality Fresh Roll-on Lawn, Delivered on Time

    20 January 2023 /

    NEWS & INFO/News / Natural Lawn is Proven to be a Bushfire Retardant

    Natural Lawn is Proven to be Bushfire Retardant

    During the 2019/20 Australian bushfire season more than 18.6 million hectares (46 million acres) of land was burnt.

    New research confirms that natural lawn provides a bushfire retardant space and that:

    “Living turf, even turf under severe moisture stress, is highly resistant to ignition, and had to be in a dead or near dead state and extremely low moisture content before it would sustain fire spread”. 

    Another Horrifying Fact about Synthetic Turf:

    Synthetic grass comprises a mixture of combustible plastics like the rubber granule infill used  which are predisposed to both melting and ignition. Not only has synthetic turf contributed to catastrophic fire events but when it does ignite or melt, it released incredibly harmful toxins and chemicals.

    You can find the report here: https://greenacresturfgroup.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Turf-confirmed-as-busfire-retardant.pdf


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