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    17 February 2021 /

    NEWS & INFO/News / NEWS & INFO/Lawn & Turf Tips / Cutworm


    Cutworm, Grass Caterpillar, and Sod Webworm and the Recent Link with Summer Rainfall

    Although summer rainfall is a welcome event for most homeowners, some receive a little more than light rain.
    With this summer rain and high humidity there have been reports of various pests and diseases affecting lawns across Western Australia. These weather conditions create the ideal environment/opportunity for pests and diseases to cause serious damage. In recent weeks, the topic has become quite popular on talk back radio across the state.
    One such pest is Cutworm. The life cycle of the Cutworm begins with the light-coloured moth flying into only the healthiest yard with the greenest lawn and deposits its eggs.
    The life cycle of the cutworm moth can vary but is normally around 23 days.

    It can cause serious damage quite quickly if not treated promptly. The attacks are random. One garden in the suburb may be attacked without any damage to another lawn in the area.
    The moth does prefer a very well cared for lawn. The broader and greener the leaf, the better.

    How to check for cutworm

    In the evening, shine a torch on a small area of turf and pour over some warm soapy water (the consistency you would use for cleaning dishes). Keep an eye out to see if anything wriggles to the surface. Shake nearby shrubs, anything with foliage and look for moths. It could vary from a few of them to hundreds.

    How to Treat

    Purchase Bifenthrin. This is available from Greenacres and also from any Garden Centre, Hardware Store or Stock Feeders. We recommend using a liquid version rather than granulated as it can be absorbed faster and is more efficient.

    Organic Alternatives to Bifenthrin

    ‘YATES: Nature’s Way Caterpillar Killer – Dipel Bio-Insecticide’ (RRP: $18.00)

    YATES: Success Ultra Insect Control’ (RRP: $24.00)
    Both products are available at Bunnings. Follow the instructions on the packaging.

    Contact our Sales team on 95258822 for more detailed information on the treatment of cutworm

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