Turf for Perth schools | Private and state schools
Greenacres Turf Group provides a complete turf solution to schools, including roll out grass from initial concept and scope (grounds, verges, common areas) right through to installation and troubleshooting. Greenacres also provides you with:
- Expertise and advice for turf variety selection based on specific need and maintenance so that the schools can choose the appropriate varieties for their different needs.
- Support continues past turf choice through to contacts for irrigation, bore requirements, installation and Complete Project Management.
- Our specialist team will ensure we transfer our turf knowledge to your Grounds Manager or Caretaker.
Greenacres can be your partner in anything and everything turf. Please take advantage of our free advisory service for schools and feel free to contact Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School, Scott Mildwaters to get direct feedback on the full service that we provide to assist you with any turf development.
Some of the other schools supplied, consulted with and supplied & installed
- Christchurch
- Mt Hawthorn Primary
- Ocean Road, Dawesville
- Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School
- Tuart Forest Primary School, Dalyellup (pictured)
- Baldivis Secondary College, Baldivis
- St Andrews Grammar School, Dianella
- Frederick Irwin Anglican School, Mandurah (New hockey ground)
- Djidi Djidi School, Bunbury
To find out more about turf for schools, contact Greenacres